So, now you need to set up a kitchen...


When I moved to my first apartment in college after living two years in a dorm room and then two years with Aunt Dixie where I learned some basic kitchen, I picked up a bunch of random kitchen utensils without really thinking what I needed for the type of cooking I did. 

attribution below
This is not our kitchen.
After looking at some of the recipes we make as a family, I came up with a basic kitchen setup that is minimalistic.

Most of these things can be found used at a Goodwill store or summer garage sales. A following post will list the basic ingredients you should have on hand.


Preparation items:

Cutting board

Bread knife

Chef knife

Pairing knife


box grater

set of measuring spoons

set of measuring cups

potato peeler

can opener

tea towels


For cooking:


noodle grabber

soup ladle

wooden spoons

frying pans

large pot

2 small pots



Baking items:

 cookie sheets (2)

square cake pan for brownies


Small appliances:

 rice cooker



pressure pot/instant pot



Pascal3012, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

